Welcome Zulie's Scrapy Scrapin

I like to welcome you to my blog. Hope you enjoy it and keep coming back. I like to share with you some of the new creations I have created and other happenings in my little world. Have a blessed day.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Looks like I got nominated, a first for me. If you like what you see then go ahead and click on this icon below to cast your vote. :-) :-)
Fascination Awards

Friday, March 30, 2012

Been Away For awhile

Long Time No See...

Its been a long time since I have posted anything on here. Sorry gang. Just been caught up with doing other things that it has taken up so much of my time. I am hoping to update you on what I have been up to. We will start with today. I made a card today, using cricut craft room. I have struggle with doing this card because the craft room program has a lot of bugs in it, hopefully they will run them out soon. Until then I just make do.Its free so I shouldn’t complain too much eh? 

This year I am learning how to Zentangle. I love it. I have always been a lousy drawer. Heck, I can Barely draw stick people. I saw doing Zentangles awhile back ago and thought wow that gotta be hard to do…Well guess what, its not that hard. I you can draw stick people you can do Zentangles. Here is some of my creations: