Welcome Zulie's Scrapy Scrapin

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Been Away For awhile

Long Time No See...

Its been a long time since I have posted anything on here. Sorry gang. Just been caught up with doing other things that it has taken up so much of my time. I am hoping to update you on what I have been up to. We will start with today. I made a card today, using cricut craft room. I have struggle with doing this card because the craft room program has a lot of bugs in it, hopefully they will run them out soon. Until then I just make do.Its free so I shouldn’t complain too much eh? 

This year I am learning how to Zentangle. I love it. I have always been a lousy drawer. Heck, I can Barely draw stick people. I saw doing Zentangles awhile back ago and thought wow that gotta be hard to do…Well guess what, its not that hard. I you can draw stick people you can do Zentangles. Here is some of my creations:

 I have been busy with updating my family tree. I have join up with ancestry.com and been researching through many records. Its been a great adventure. I made a scrapbook for one side of my family tree.  Here is a page of it.

I am currently working on the other side of the family tree, and as soon as I get it updated more then I will create a family tree scrapbook for that side. Lots of work here, but very rewarding. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie, just came over to check out your blog. Luv the card. I've seen all the zentangle books and love the art in journaling. Just haven't been able to make mine look journal worthy.
