Welcome Zulie's Scrapy Scrapin

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cards that I created this week

Here is a couple cards that I made this week. The creative bug is here and its having fun again.

This 2 cards I have made for the card making group USA Card Making Swap Group in Yahoo Groups 

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This card I have made for my best friend mom. We both started on this adventure in card making at the same time and we have made great progress in learning this great hobby. We both may go bankrupt by next year if we both keep buying so much stuff for this hobby…as the rule of all addictions one piece of paper is too much and a thousand is never enough…hehehe we are hooked and probably will need a 12 step support group before long or a least when we out group our homes with hobby stuff…powerless yes, unmanageable not yet but close..hehehe
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  1. Very lovely cards Julie, I love the thinking of you in the light blue, so pretty, and the zebra in the car is so cute. All of them are great.
    Judy L<><

  2. I love the "thinking of you" card. What did you use to make the cutouts? It is beautiful.

  3. Very cute cards Julie. I really like the Zebra! He's a smile-maker.
    Sue S.
